Are you scrambling to find the perfect gift for your significant other during this Valentines Day season? Well, we’ve got you covered.
Reporters for the Triton Voice went around the halls of Triton asking students and teachers what are the best and worst gifts for Valentine’s Day.
“The worst gift would be getting broken up with and ghosted on Valentines Day,” said math teacher Mr. Joseph Galante, when asked about his Valentines Day experience in his past relationships.
Valentine’s day is a day to celebrate your love for your significant others in a way that is more special than a regular day. Whether that be getting the perfect gift or spending some quality time with your S.O. Some people believe that one of the worst gifts you can get someone is one that is bought in a selfish manner.
Science teacher Dr. Adam Lothrop said, “It’s important to listen to my wife and get something for her that she likes but (that she) would never spend the money on. I would never get her something I would like. For example, my cheesy science t-shirts.” Doctor Lothrop promised his wife he would never stop “dating” her when they got married. He honors this by getting her flowers for no particular reason and not just for birthdays or holidays such as Valentines Day.
One of our classmates, Brian Clark, spent time researching the perfect gift for his girlfriend. “I follow this girl on tik tok who reviews the best hoodies and sweatpants sets,” Clark says, adding that a good gift for his girlfriend would be one that “isn’t just the basic chocolate and flowers, but a big gift alongside those small common ones.”
Some ideas for your partner this Valentine’s day include: perfumes, colognes, chocolates, flowers, teddy bears, jewelry ,and clothing. Anything that fits their likes and interests should work. Many teens are most interested in gifts that include the most popular perfume, skincare, and clothes. If you’re single this Valentines Day, don’t be afraid to treat yourself with any of those options listed. You can also spend the day with your closest friends and celebrate the love you have for them.