How did you find out about Santa clause?
Santa, a special figure in many kids early lives for those who celebrate the Christmas holiday. Although loved by many he is unfortunately not real, but that is a hard truth to face as a youngster.
“You get to raise your children how you want to, as long as it’s not abusive, neglectful, or cruel. So when it comes to Santa Claus, every family has the liberty of deciding how to best navigate it in ways that are aligned with their values, beliefs, and their child’s needs. There’s no right or wrong way to do this,” says the website “How to Tell Your Kids the Truth About santa” which helps parents navigate their way through choosing when and how to break the news to the kids.
Many parents stress over ruining the magic of Christmas by telling their children the truth, but feel guilty keeping the secret. Thankfully for the parents many kids find out from “… school, from classmates and peers. Some catch their parents in the act. According to The University Of Exeter study, many children witnessed their parents placing presents under the tree or (worse) eating food meant for Santa and his reindeer. Others simply outgrow the myth, ” says a website, “” that helps parents on what to do when kids outgrow the myth of Santa. Although the parents can skip the stress of telling them, they can’t skip the many questions that come with learning the truth.
Telling kids the news in a straight forward way about Santa is less popular than letting them find out for themselves, many kids still find out that way. One of the few told by their parents was Anna webb. “My mom told me about Santa in the sixth grade.” While many adults try to keep the truth from the kids for as long as possible, kids will find out in different ways. Like Genna Young, who ironically found out the truth from Anna webb. While having a conversation between the two the topic came up and Young stated, “Annie you told me at theater in elementary school”.
“My friend told me that Santa didn’t come in a sleigh but instead he would drive around in his red car which I thought was weird so I looked it up…” stated Sarah Ewell. For many young kids, their curiosity gets the better of them. Ewell, who found out when she was 10 tells how she found out the devastating truth. After looking up her question, “is Santa real” she found out about the real, devastating truth about the Jolly man. “I was very disappointed when I found out and it made me sad,” she said at the end of her interview.
So, how did you find out about santa? Was it curiosity, a friend, or did you see your parents eating the cookies baked for Santa Clause! The truth comes out in many ways, and holds different meanings for everyone. Many think the spirit of Christmas is ruined once you know, but the spirit comes from inside you, not necessarily the Big jolly man in a red suit.