Best and Worst: Triton Pit-Stops
Triton High School’s Best and Worst Bathrooms Around Campus

Triton High School’s downstairs girls bathroom. (Photo: Twylah Langmaid)
Food on the toilets, clouds of smoke, unflushed toilets and other disasters are described to go on in the bathrooms here at Triton High School. Here are some of the best and worst according to some students.
Triton has several bathrooms, whether they are in between hallways, in the library or even at the gym. Students who use the bathrooms here at Triton have seen or have heard rumors of numerous things happening in them. This can change a student’s thoughts about the bathrooms. Students think about the bad things which cause them to avoid bathrooms. They could be scared about getting in trouble or the amount of people being there.
When asking students about the best and worst bathrooms around campus, the responses varied on the person’s own thoughts about the bathrooms.
“The most comforting bathroom is the nurse’s bathroom,” said fellow staff writer and senior Nick Doucot.
Some students agreed with Doucot’s statement. The best bathrooms according to some students at Triton High School are the bathrooms near the gym, the bathrooms in the library and the nurses bathroom. When asked why these are the best, most of the responses were similar. Students feel as though they are more comfortable. Students prefer privacy when using the bathroom, therefore making these the best pit-stops to take when walking around campus.
“There are 4 stalls in the downstairs bathroom,” said senior Twylah Langmaid. “One of the (stall) doors doesn’t lock and one stall is out of order, so people only use 2 stalls”.
Langmaid is not wrong about the conditions of the Triton bathrooms. In the boys upstairs bathroom, a stall is missing a toilet and missing a door. Not only does the girls downstairs bathroom have 2 operating stalls but so does the boys. In the boys downstairs bathroom, a sink was missing from one of the walls as well as one stall recently being made into 2. This means one stall has 2 doors, with one that doesn’t even shut fully. In any hallway bathroom, you can find numerous things thrown whether that’s in the toilet, sink or even on the ground.
Fighting with boxing gloves, vaping, eating on the toilets or just simply doing their business, students find themselves in several bathrooms among the Triton campus. Many students agree about the conditions in the bathroom and a change would be beneficial. The bathrooms deserve to be done over and the students deserve a clean area to do their business in.

Hey there! My name is Nate Eaton and I’m a senior at Triton High School. Outside of school I live with my family of 5 as well as 4 pets at home. An older...